Tuesday 4 January 2011

First Few Hours

The immediate time after admission is rather sketchy. I can remember having an X-Ray, but everything seemed as though it was on a differrent parallel. (At this point I will apologise for incorrect words/terminology - something which which I find deeply frustrating.)
I possibly also had a CT Scan before being taken to the ward - I'm not sure when this occured - but I do remember having one!!

I reached Oakdale Ward's Stroke Unit at 1.10 am, I distinctly remember looking at the clock. I was in a bed at the far end of the Unit, next to the Nurse's Station. I remember trying to wriggle around and talk, but the nurse kept on telling me to relax!! 

I was surprised and very pleased to see a member of staff that I recognised. (She had been a big help to me in 1997 when I had huge problems with my back.) I was given a spoonful of water to see if I could swallow - another routine test.

I was hooked up to monitors and through the curtain could see the readings - a 4 Way split screen telling all, but what did it mean?

Eventually, time to settle and to try and relax but my mind was just racing. What was wrong, how bad was it, would I get better and would I be "cabbaged"?

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