Thursday 28 July 2011

Keep Calm & Carry On

Recently, whilst on a visit to my husband's parents I was lucky enough, by chance, to meet the people who now live in the house where I was brought up until the age of 9. (See photograph)
Can you imagine after all the intervening years to be allowed into my first home and wander around it? I was like the "kid who got the cream".
Sitting on the wall outside No.12
It felt very homely and I guess that my adrenaline and emotions were  running high. I spent quite some time talking to the current owners, who in turn were very interested in the social history of it all. I think that it must have taken more out of me than I had realised at the time.
The following day I went out to lunch with a friend and on the Saturday I had volunteered to help with the street collection in aid of the RNLI. The day after we met up with our youngest son and his prospective in-laws.
Once the visits and euphoria from Thursday had gone - there I was again - "pole-axed". My right foot was swollen as was my left ankle: I was in bed early for the next few evenings to rest before going to sleep for around ten hours! Once up for the day, I still felt tired and literally have not been able to do anything, which really frustrates me and sadly, once again I have been insufferable at times.
All the extra hours in bed and resting has made my right leg weak: on one occasion I have fallen in the middle of the night, as I got out of bed, unable to stop myself. The other downside, at times such as these, is that I cannot do any arm or finger exercises as they too do not conform in times of tiredness. It is rather a vicious circle. I know it is only temporary, but it is so frustrating.
After constantly working so very hard, it can be as though I have to start again or kick-start where I had left off and work that much harder to catch up. I used to be more perturbed about this type of situation in previous times. Getting wound up, annoyed or agitated about it I have learnt in a very hard way does not solve anything.                                                                               

Pictures of where I lived: 1956 and side by side in 2011.
I am writing another blog about where I grew up. Please contact me if you would like to read it.

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