Wednesday 9 March 2011

Weddings and Going Out

In the space of ten months we have four weddings and a Ruby wedding to celebrate.

Our eldest son and friends have been married, our neice and youngest son are getting married and we are also celebrating the 40th anniversay of friends of ours.
Lots of retail therapy to look forward with my friend who knows how to dress me, but the downside is going to new venues and meals.

I so want to be normal, "not stand out in a crowd" and not have any fuss made. Quite a tall order!

Some of the venues I am familiar with but others I do not know at all. The one thing that I get most "worked up" about is managing food. As I still only have the use of one hand eating meals can sometimes be problematic.
At our eldest son's wedding, five months ago, I wanted the reassurance that my husband would sit next to me on the top table. Not protocol I know, but I didn't want anyone else cutting up my food and looking after me.
I am sure that people understand my difficulties but I just want the comfort of assistance from someone who knows and understands my difficulties.
This poses the question of selfishness of only wanting assistance from my immeadiate family and in particular my husband who has been unwavering in his support.

If we go to a restaurant, bistro or cafe I often take the easy option from the menu, rather than food that I really fancy. This is not only to stop the need for having food cut up infront of other customers but also because, even now after twenty months, my teeth cannot seem to chew food as they could. I can take ages with a piece of well done steak so I tend to eat food like this at home.

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