Thursday 18 August 2011

Positives from Negatives

You all know by know that I remain focused on my recovery and however small the improvements are - well they are improvements.

I cannot always see these as I am too close, however, people who do not see me for long periods are now commenting on my much improved state. I continue to do exercises and try to do different things that I have not been able to for over two years. Recently, I found that I can now walk down a few steps one foot in front of the other. Another triumph, I cannot pretend that it is easy, but after the first few painful efforts it is beginning to get easier.

My hairdresser is now noticing the difference as I can now sit with my head backwards over the washbasin instead of having to stand. This is something that we all take for granted and a matter of routine, to me this is another example of my recovery.

I can now raise my arm from my side to my mouth, I am sure that my technique is not correct, but again another improvement. I am certain that my Physio will probably show me the technically correct way when I next see her.
As I strive to return to normality I do have severe pain on some days, and in particular the neck area, but to me this is little price to pay.

My walking continues to get better and the stamina levels are still not consistent, I have learnt a severe lesson and now rest when necessary instead of "carrying on to beat it". I was in bed last night at 5.30pm to rest, settled to sleep at 9.30 and slept through until 8am.

I am getting more confident about manner of affairs, but importantly still know my limitations  At this moment in time I do not know how much of a recovery I will make, but I know that I will continue to give it my best shot to regain some purposeful use to my hand and arm.

It is of no purpose to say "before this I could do that" I am just thankful be able to do more things and turn a negative experience into a positive one.

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