Sunday 6 February 2011

Adjustments to be made

The first few months continued to be one of development .

Eventually, I could manage the noise levels in M & S and the like, but could not manage crowds and people walking in front and around me.

Our families live across the Pennines, some 50 miles away and this was a journey of winding roads. We didn't get across as often as we would have liked, but when we did I found that I couldn't manage this journey, one that we had done countless times over the previous 21 years.
The twisty roads and the car headlights all seemed to affect my head and so we had to take the straight road, the M62!! Was there no end to what was affected?

A very good friend  invited me to her evening wedding reception which would be "a grand affair", sadly we declined as at that time I couldn't face the crowds and noise.

Eventually, after persevering, I found that I could travel upwards on an escalator, downwards came much later.

The only shower that I could safely manage was in the loft, so we re-fitted our house bathroom to incorporate a shower cubicle.

Steps at the back of the house proved challenging and so these too have been altered.

Minor and major adjustments were made to allow me to live an ordinary life.

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