Friday 30 August 2019

Ten Years On...

This Summer saw the tenth anniversary of my Stroke.  Each year the date rolls around on the calendar, but I never have looked back, and am only grateful that with a lot of support from family, friends and professionals I have been afforded the opportunity to make the best possible recovery.

Pre-Stroke we always ate healthily, infact I had a fruit bowl at the end of my desk at work, and went for a daily walk at lunchtime.   Others had cans of pop, chocolate and sweeties in their desk drawers.
Recently, with all the increased awareness of our planet, global warming and the like we are constantly re-thinking our way of life and diet to be as healthy as we can.
We have red meat only once a week and eat a lot of fish and chicken. Although we still eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, we have tipped the balance to be more vegetables than fruit on a daily basis, as fruit contains natural sugars.

A lot of lessons have been learnt over these ten years - a lot of advice freely given and accepted and some I have chosen to ignore. Some people have made, (in my opinion), crass remarks to which I have smiled at for a while, then decided that if these things had perhaps  been said to someone of a different disposition or temperament could be hurtful. So, I have engaged in a conversation about it.

I have sat and made a Personal list of structures which have helped me over the years:

*Never look at yourself as being disabled - look at all the things that you can do.
*Strive to complete daily achievable targets - make a tick list if necessary.
*It is ok to accept help - but do try first - don't give in.
*Do exercises as directed, if not, you are wasting the professionals time and taking someone's place.
*Wear your appliances eg: foot up splint or knee brace. People only see you for a short fleeting moment.
* What you can do on one day - you may not be able to do so on another. Don't let this bother you, and don't punish your self for this.
*If you are tired it is ok to go to bed early to rest.
* If you make arrangements to go out, it is ok to cancel.
*Never start a sentence: "I'm sorry"
*Never feel embarrassed.
*Talk to people, don't bottle things up.
* Don't listen to people who say You Can't.

"Do just once what others say you can't and you will never pay attention to their limitations again."
Captain James Cook. 

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