Monday 22 April 2013

"Fleeting moment"

"People see you for a fleeting moment - but you have to live with the consequences."

It is only four weeks since we returned from Sofia, such a lot seems to have occured since our return & such a lot for my body to cope with.

I found Sofia to be quite a difficult place to get around although at the time I managed. The weather there and here, on our return, left rather a lot to be desired with the cold and snow. This does not seem to do my body any good and as a result my arm, hand and fingers are always first to be affected. I have had to stay indoors for longer than I would have liked and as a result of the lack of exercise my legs and knees have also been affected.
This does occur from time to time and each time I get concerned that I am "going backwards". I need a lot of re-assurance at these times and reminding at how far I have actually come on the road to recovery.

I had a telephone call from the hospital last week inviting me for another Field Vision Test. Another  cause for concern? No! The hospital are keeping a check on my eyes and as there is a history of Glaucoma in the family they are monitoring the pressure. I had thought that I had been discharged from all the departments that had cared for me, so this was also very re-assuring.

I have been slowly increasing my walking and am trying now to achieve something every day. I have been keeping a diary - this in turn keeps me motivated.
I have never weighed myself since being discharged from hospital, but I know that my weight has steadily increased by the size of my clothes! Sometimes, it is rather a vicious circle: no exercise = weight gain. Sometimes because of how my body is, I cannot do periods of exercise and so it goes on. With this in mind  have decided to attend a wekly slimming class - and being in a class situation keeps me motivated to lose weight. I have set myself a target, but as long as a little is lost each week this is all I ask. I am now thinking more about what I eat and have found some good, tasty and healthy recipes.

In the course of two weeks I have seen four theatre productions, my favourite leisure pursuit. My friends have taken me to the theatres and inded some have taken part in productions. All of this makes me feel good and at some places I have also been able to renew acquaintances.

In another two weeks we will be entering another busy family time: our Canadian cousin will be here for a visit, our immeadiate family will be staying, a family christening and my mother-in-laws 96th birthday! So between now and then I know that I have to get as much rest as I can  - but at the same time keep up with daily exercise. Yes, a vicious circle.

The quote: "People see you for a fleeting moment - but you have to live with the consequences."
was said to me a few days ago, when I was showing a lady my foot up splint. I told her about how I wouldn't wear it last summer as I didn't want a "big black thing" around my ankle when I was wearing cropped trousers. The quote was her reply. How profound.

** If you follow the blog you will know that I have dressed my splint in lace.
A silk scarf or attractive fabric is a good alternative, or if you are patriotic red/white and blue!

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