Today I have had an appointment with my Neuro-physiotherapist at hospital and as always we started with an update on my condition.
As my right arm and hand are still recovering from my fall. it has been decided to temporarily suspend the wearing of the SaeboGlove until they are both fully fit and able to start exercising again.
In the meantime another set of exercises and appliances are to be used to aid my walking gait. I have often thought that it may be beneficial to use two "walking poles" so that there is better equilibrium. This in turn may help the continual cycle of sore neck and shoulders and even hips.
Firstly, I used a trolley, as shown, just to exercise with. It was quite amazing how much better my arm felt after stretching.
The exercises were to simply push the trolley forwards and backwards: firstly in-front of the body and then out to the right and left side - performing each task a number of times before changing direction. the fourth exercise was to move the trolley in a sweeping manoeuvre in a semi-circle from side to side. No walking is required, but you must allow the body to move with the trolley. This has to be done only in the house. No walking outside with one.
So, this will be my next routine over the next six weeks, before moving on to the next progression of Fischer Walking Sticks.
I tried out a Fischer Walking Stick, as shown below. It was fitted so that the handle was elbow height, if it is any lower it can cause the shoulder to drag downwards. This again felt comfortable and used as a pair it will aid walking quite significantly. The affected arm still needs reminding that it has a purpose. I try at every opportunity to use the right hand, but it is not always cooperative.

The next progression after the Fischer sticks will be to use Leki, (walking), poles. See right.
All of this will take time, however, the result will mean that my walking and posture will be significantly improved and this can only be a positive outcome. Another few months is a short time.