I tried "over the counter" pain relief gel to apply to the affected areas, but to no purpose, and eventually went to see my G.P. who referred me back to see my physiotherapist at hospital. The appointment took a while to come through, but after one 45 minute treatment immediately felt the benefit.
After a general chat about my progress and the effects of the Botox, the treatment which involved a tennis ball began. Aids that are so simple, cost very little and are in every home can make all the difference if used in the correct way.
The treatment was to get me to rest over the treatment couch, with my head supported by my left arm whilst resting on a pillow. This opens up the shoulder blade, allowing the muscles to relax. Once in the correct position, the physio' rolled a tennis ball up and down each side of my spine and up each side of my neck going over my shoulder. My husband was shown this technique and it is something that we can confidently do as soon as discomfort may develop.
My husband and I have just returned from a four night break to Riga, Latvia as part of a group from the local cricket club. I have done quite a lot of walking, by my current standards, and have learnt to assist my legs in their daily recovery by applying a sustained jet of hot water on them and then massaging them.
The battle to recovery is still very much on-going, but I have learnt various techniques which I can put to good use to help me maintain a relatively pain free continuation.
NB: The right arm should be fully extended and straight and the body relaxed.
Addendum to Botox 2
I had my 2nd series of Botox on February 2nd and to date, it has not made any further significant improvement to my fingers. However, since then I have been bemoaning the fact that I have had some pains and discomfort in the inside elbow joint. Then on March 6th I noticed that I could hold out my arm and this was a truly wonderful feeling. I have been practicing this movement daily since this latest milestone and I can now hold the arm out and straight for 10 seconds. I try to repeat this movement 2 or 3 times but do not get hung up about it if I can't.