The "bad ankle" finally resolved itself after a four day enforced rest. As frustrating as I find this, I have learned that when these things happen my body is telling me something.
I continued to rest during the day as I had booked to go to a Christmas party on Thursday night, and the next two nights to theatre productions. Friends collected me and took me to these events which were very diverse and equally as pleasing and good fun.
On the Thursday I made an effort to get dressed up, even buying a new top. Horror of horrors! On my way home I realised that I would not be able to undo the zip at the back of my shiny new purchase and as my husband was out my friend had to do unzip me out!
Lesson learnt - chose your clothes wisely.
On Friday I attended the hospital's Neurological Rehab Unit to be measured and fitted for a new resting splint.
My hand has now opened and after a long time the swelling on my hand has gone, I know have knuckles and my fingers are back to their original size. The moulding and fitting by occupational therapists takes around 45 minutes. This is the first time that it has been updated and has been made to further stretch out my wrist and fingers. I still wear this overnight and at times during the day when I am not undertaking exercise with the use of my dynamic splint.
Apart from my 3 consecutive nights out, this week-end was the Christmas markets in the town where I live. I caught the bus to town on Saturday to have a look around, but my visit was cut very short. I visited 2 shops and tried to look at the market stalls but began to feel rather unwell. I dropped my stick in the shops and couldn't put purchases in my bag and felt very light headed. On my return home I just rested quietly.
My husband, who was officiating at this event, took time out to escort me around the following day.
I guess that I will not know what caused this to happen, but it does make me feel quite vulnerable.
Even after two and a half years I know that there is a long road ahead to recovery and sometimes wish that I could get up one morning and just give a big shake to get my bones and everything back in alignment.